Hello Beautiful Soul!
Hello beautiful soul! I’m so glad you’re here. It means you’re ready to embrace the truth of who you are, a unique expression of pure consciousness, living in peace, contentment and love. Welcome home!

Meet Lisa Jimenez
Practioner, Shamanic Healing Arts
Offering Compassionate Support for Life’s Journey
Perhaps, like me, you’ve struggled with childhood trauma, addiction, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, unrelenting stress or toxic relationships. I have deep compassion for this complex and sometimes painful human experience, and offer my clients a safe space for healing, either in-person or from a distance.
My practice is deeply rooted in the belief that our bodies have an innate ability to heal themselves, and that we truly have all of the answers within, though we sometimes need support in order to hear our own wisdom and act upon it. You’re already on your way to living your best life!
Are you ready to change your life? If so, call today to schedule your free consultation.

Give Yourself to Love!
“I am a truth seeker, a gatherer of wisdom, and I know this to be true: Love is the only real thing and all that really matters. The rest is an illusion. Life is a road we travel, a journey filled with experiences designed to help us grow and evolve our souls; an opportunity to find our way back to love, the truth of who we are.”
Explore My Services

Reiki is an ancient, traditional Japanese healing technique which some relate to the “laying on of hands.” This healing modality is wonderful for stress reduction, and is incredibly calming to the body’s central nervous system.

Shamanic Healing
Shamanism is our original spirituality. There is evidence of Shamanic practices dating back as far as 100,000 years! This ancient spirituality is based on the premise that we are first spiritual beings having a physical experience here in this Earth classroom.

A Good Death Doula Services
I specialize in the end-of-life, bedside vigil, advanced planning, and caregiving for our elders. I also facilitate a monthly death cafe, in which my only goal is to help people prepare for their own good death, whatever that looks like to them.
A note about the images on this site. This website features photos of petroglyphs and pictographs primarily from southern New Mexico. Some are likely the work of the Trincheras culture. Others were created by the Hohokam, Mimbres or Apaches peoples. While I can neither ascribe meanings nor identify the precise origin of these images, I am profoundly grateful and constantly inspired by this remarkable artistic record left by those who walked these lands before us.
“Lisa is a kind, imaginative, inclusive practitioner who reveres all life. She’s creative, diligent, deeply intuitive, thorough and detailed. She is the best kind of human mirror for her clients. I feel seen and blessed in her presence.”