Shamanism is our original spirituality
There is evidence of Shamanic practices dating back as far as 100,000 years! This ancient spirituality is based on the premise that we are first spiritual beings having a physical experience here in this Earth classroom. Deep in my heart I know that we came here to evolve our souls and grow in consciousness. And though the journey is challenging, there is no greater gift we can give ourselves than our own healing.
Once I stepped onto this path, I knew there was no going back. As a result of my commitment to myself and my own healing, I was able to leave a toxic marriage, set and maintain good, solid boundaries, let go of deeply rooted shame and childhood trauma, and create a life filled with peace and harmony, grace, abundant blessings, good health, gratitude – even joy! If I can do it, so can you!
Shamanism is grounded in the concept that everything is alive, and that all of life is connected as energy. The Shaman is someone who is able to walk in two worlds – both the physical world and the world of Spirit. In my practice, I connect your higher essential self with those helping, healing compassionate who are always ready and willing to help us heal.

Specific services include:
- Chakra clearing and balancing. We are beings of light! Our energetic body extends out several feet beyond the physical, and just as we cleanse our bodies, we need to regularly cleanse, clear and rebalance our energetic bodies!
- Shamanic Divination. Using simple objects found in nature, we can learn to tune into the guidance and messages from our own spirit helpers.
- Journeying to find your Power Animal.
- Soul Retrieval
- Liquid and crystalized Energy Extractions
- Psychopomp Work
- Spiritual Depossession
- Shamanic Journeying for Wisdom and Guidance
- Home or business clearing and blessing